


Size: This particular spider grows to an average of 3/4 inch in length with a width of approximately 1/2 inch.

Color: This spider is well defined by its glossy black body with an obvious red hour glass on its abdomen. Certain species of this spider can appear brown in color as well. Please note a word of caution: Do Not handle this spider, there have been reports that its venomous bite can be very hazardous.

Behavior: The web of the Black Widow spider is easily identified by its irregular construction. The strength of the web is extraordinary. The spider nests in areas such as wood piles, stored boxes, or most common are undisturbed areas in your garage. Like most spiders the babies or spiderlings will spin a long strand of web and balloon to new nesting grounds. The Black Widow feeds on insects that get caught in its web. A very dangerous spider which can cause severe medical problems especially in small children, elderly, or someone that is experiencing ongoing medical problems.

Habitat: The most common areas that the Black Widow is found are lumber piles, dark corners of the garage, or anywhere the spider can obtain a good supply of prey to feed on. They are often found in grape vines in Central California, which has caused a multitude of bites on the vineyard worker. They are also attracted to cluttered areas in or around your home. If you use an outhouse check under the toilet seat, this is also a common area where they are found.

Tips for control: If the area you live in has a common Black Widow infestation. We suggest that when you are working or cleaning areas such as the garage or yard to wear heavy gloves. When moving wood piles or cluttered debris check them over thoroughly wearing heavy gloves before moving them. The Anchor Pest Control Technician can offer an array of treatments for this dangerous pest.